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{{ club.name}}
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 60 - 69.9 / 10-11 years (Kids and Teens)
Men No-Gi / Novice / 180 - 189.9 (Light Heavy Weight) / Adult (Adult’s)
Men No-Gi / Expert / 190 - 199.9 (Cruiser Weight) / Executive (50+) (Adult’s)
Women No-Gi / Beginner / 150 - 159.9 (Light Weight) / Adult (Adult’s)
Men No-Gi / Novice / 225 - 249.9 (Super Heavy Weight) / Adult (Adult’s)
Children Gi (Male) / Novice / 40 - 49.9 / 5 years & younger (Kids and Teens)
Men Gi / Brown / 200 - 224.9 (Heavy Weight) / Director (40+) (Adult’s)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Novice / 40 - 49.9 / 6-7 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 50 - 59.9 / 8-9 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Female) / Expert / 125 - 139.9 / 12-13 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Expert / 110 - 124.9 / 12-13 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 80 - 89.9 / 6-7 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 50 - 59.9 / 8-9 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Novice / 40 - 49.9 / 6-7 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 80 - 89.9 / 10-11 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Female) / Beginner / 100 - 109.9 / 10-11 years (Kids and Teens)
Teens No-Gi (Male) / Expert / 130 - 144.9 / 16-17 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Novice / 40 - 49.9 / 6-7 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 50 - 59.9 / 8-9 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 90 - 99.9 / 10-11 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Expert / 140 - 154.9 / 12-13 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Female) / Beginner / 90 - 99.9 / 10-11 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Novice / 60 - 69.9 / 8-9 years (Kids and Teens)
Teens No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 145 - 159.9 / 16-17 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Advanced / 60 - 69.9 / 10-11 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 50 - 59.9 / 6-7 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 50 - 59.9 / 8-9 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Novice / 40 - 49.9 / 6-7 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Expert / 100 - 109.9 / 12-13 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 50 - 59.9 / 8-9 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Beginner / 50 - 59.9 / 6-7 years (Kids and Teens)
Children No-Gi (Male) / Intermediate / 70 - 79.9 / 12-13 years (Kids and Teens)